WHAT: Now in its third year, Field Day brings a summer fete and this years best line up to Victoria Park tomorrow. Field Day is definitely the music lovers festival; so much so that it's impossible to pick between the tents - Bugged Out! tent is hosting everyone's favourite DJ Erol Alkan, over in the Adventures in the Beetroot Field tent there is The Big Pink and Micachu; Mumford and Sons are a highlight from the Village Mentality stage and headliners Mogwai will be playing their only UK festival set of the year on the Eat Your Own Ears stage.

If you can prize yourself away from the music, there is all the fun of the fayre in the Village Green, where you make up rude words during a game of scrabble, try your luck with the tombola or gorge yourself on homemade cake.
WEAR: Something presentable, you don't want to look a state picking up your egg and spoon race winners prize.
Tickets can be bought online or on the door.
Claire Evans