The Bumps are a UK based bubblegum/electro-pop duo. Their sound is a melee of 60s psychedelia and garage rock guitar hooks. Tracks like 'ASAFP' and 'Magick Eye' inspire a dreamy surreal feeling which brings Captain Beefheart to mind. Whilst 'Don't Get Ahead of Yourself,' falls more along the lines of the Kinks.
The Bumps manage to use a lot of instruments without sounding messy, and their psychedelic sound perfectly complements their often off-beat, verging on the darker side of life lyrics. Listing among others The Turtles, The Beach Boys and Beck as their influences The Bumps deliver a sunny, uplifting set of tracks which make you want to move your feet. Their short but sweet songs are light hearted, party music that you can clap along to.
Amy Honda