Photo by www.greghughes.tv
Thomas Charge Burke single-handedly saves his band’s single from being a Scouting for Girls-esque (albeit slightly less annoying) piano pop rampage with his distinctive, melancholy vocals. Whilst ‘Victoria’ is a pleasant enough tune, you can’t help but feel one Mr Roy Stride could sing over it in his ridiculously soppy voice and it wouldn’t sound out of place. Luckily, Burke hasn’t let this happen, instead turning an otherwise average song into one that could cause heartbreak at 3am after consuming copious amounts of alcoholic beverages.
‘Sell, Sell, Sell’ is a much better proposition – bouncy and fun whilst still maintaining a darker edge. Or it is until just after the three minute mark when it all goes a little, er… gospel. The happy-clappy “aren’t we ker-azy!” finish kind of mars the rest of this otherwise enjoyable track, sounding like too much thought has gone into making it fun rather than just letting it happen naturally. With a few tweaks here and there, Official Secrets Act could be a blooming good band. Until then, they might need to unlock the secret to originality and not over-doing it.
Rhian Daly
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